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日期:2021-06-11    来源:国家能源局




关键词: 能源合作 智慧能源 电力领域 新能源














联系人:丁伟 010-81929687 (电话)





Notice of Launching the Belt and Road Energy Partnership Cooperation Network

Energy cooperation is a key part of the Belt and Road Initiative. Over the past eight years since the inception of this initiative, with the strong leadership and personal support from the CPC party with President Xi Jinping at its core, the National Energy Administration of China (hereinafter the NEA) has been fully implementing the BRI masterplan and advancing BRI energy cooperation in a pragmatic manner, adhering to the principle of joint consultation, joint contributions and shared benefits, pursuing open, green and clean cooperation. The energy industry has been working as one and despite of all the challenges along the way, a large number of energy projects are now up and running, delivering concrete results of the energy cooperation, making great contributions to the high quality Belt and Road cooperation.

Now, the Belt and Road cooperation has begun a new journey into a meticulously detailed blueprint. In order to further promote international cooperation in the energy sector and allow businesses, financial institutions, research institutions, academia, industrial associations and other organizations to play their role in energy cooperation so as to achieve high quality Belt and Road cooperation. The NEA, following the work plan of international energy cooperation, plans to launch the Belt and Road Energy Partnership Cooperation Network (hereinafter the BREP Cooperation Network). The related matters are hereby notified as follows.


In April 2019, during the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, China, together with 29 other countries launched the Belt and Road Energy Partnership (hereinafter BREP) in Beijing. Ever since then, BREP has been organizing lots of project match-making and technical exchange activities, delivering positive results. This year is the first year of the 14th Five Year Plan period. In order to make the best use of the great opportunities brought by this FYP, the NEA plans to organize the second Belt and Road Energy Ministerial Conference this year, through which we will expand BREP partnership, establish the Term of Reference, release the BRI Green Energy Cooperation Initiative. We hope to communicate Chinese views and contribute Chinese wisdom for better global energy governance, building BREP into a high quality energy cooperation platform within the framework of the BRI.

The BREP Cooperation Network will be an important part of BREP, for which the NEA will be playing a steering and coordination role. Within the intergovernmental energy cooperation framework as BREP, various social forces such as businesses, financial institutions, research institutions, academia and industrial associations will be mobilized to work with partners from BRI countries in all-sectoral and multi-tiered cooperation in diverse forms. Within five years, we plan to come up with a number of best practice cases, build several energy cooperation research bases, launch some quality think tank products, empower a number of world-renowned energy cooperation experts and young talents. Step by step, we will increase BREP’s international influence, deliver more concrete results in the Belt and Road cooperation.

2.Work Mechanism

A number of Working Groups will be set up within the BREP Cooperation Network, which will be consisting of members from businesses, financial institutions, research institutions, academia, industrial associations and other organizations. Each Working Group will be led by a Leading Organization, and will be working on sectors including but not limited to oil and gas, electric power, new energy and other conventional sectors. Working Groups on frontier sectors such as green finance and smart energy, and Work Group on Youth Innovation Network, will be highly encouraged. Scope of work will include but not limited to policy exchanges, development program alignment, technical cooperation, project development, capacity building, etc. Working Groups are encouraged to innovate the way they work together, for instance, they can jointly launch think tank products and build best practice cases so as to promote pragmatic energy cooperation.

All Working Groups will be working under the umbrella of BREP, and the Leading Organization should play a pacesettiing role by making detailed work plans, organizing members to implement the plans, coordinating and communicating internally and externally, delivering results, identifying and resolving issues in a timely manner, and regularly reporting to the NEA with work plans, execution reviews and progress on key issues. Members of the Working Group shall work together with the Leading Organization, and summit cooperation needs and their own work plans in a timely manner. If the Working Groups encounter common or pressing issues, they can ask the NEA for solution through proper coordination in line with the specifics of each case.

The NEA will regularly evaluate the performance of each Working Group, and showcase exemplary cooperation outcomes that can serve as demonstrations on ministerial conferences, the BREP forums and other important diplomatic events hosted by China. Other excellent cooperation results will be shown on the official website of the Belt and Road Energy Cooperation and through other energy related media channels.

3.Work Requirements

Please make suggestions in line with the needs of your organization so that we can better develop the BREP Cooperation Network. If you have the intention to join the BREP Cooperation Network, please fill in the attached form and summit it to the Department of International Cooperation of the NEA by June 30th, 2021.

Contact person: Ding Wei Tel: 010-81929687

Fax: 010–81929663

Attachment:Record of Intention for the Belt and Road Energy Cooperation Partnership Cooperation Network.doc

Department of General Administration

National Energy Administration of China

June 8th, 2021

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